Ukr Eco Khlib Case Study

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Over the last time not only state bread factories offer their products, but there is a great number of private bakeries that entered the market. Moreover many super-markets have bakeries of their own to offer customers fresh products. Therefore, bakery industry is quite competitive with firms ranging from corner store shops up to large-scale retail chains. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on healthy and organic food. In addition, concerns over food safety, particularly the use of pesticides and other chemicals, the great number of preservatives and stabilizers used by manufactories are growing. That results in shifting consumers` purchasing behavior to buying more healthy and organic products. Rationale “Ukr Eco Khlib” is a medium-size bread producer, offering healthy food – wholegrain baked goods made of sprouted wheat, without flour and yeast. The production technology is considered to be the competitive advantage of the company as it lets preserve all vitamins, ferments and microelements. The company has expertise in manufacturing crisp breads, several kinds of bread and muffins with various fillings that are very popular, so that the company enjoys the customers` loyalty. Raw materials used are grain, sugar, dried halved apricots, prunes, nuts, raisins, salt, pepper, spice. The company sometimes (often in spring months) encounters productivity loss for the next reasons: delays in supply, short supply. Taking into account the seasonal fluctuations in demand, inventory should be controlled better. Sometimes equipment breakdowns occur that leads to low utilization, together with the fact that the design capacity of the machines is not met it leads to losses. The maintenance of equipment should be scheduled an... ... middle of paper ... avoid human errors and breakdowns caused by wrong operations. Works Cited Cachon, G. P., Terwiesch, C. Matching supply with demand: An introduction to operations management, 3d ed. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill. Powell, D., 2013 ERP systems in lean production: new insights from a review of lean and ERP literature, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 33 Iss: 11/12, pp.1490 – 1510 Prajogo, D., Sohal, A., 2013. Supply chain professionals: A study of competencies, use of technologies, and future challenges, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 33 Iss: 11/12, pp.1532 - 1554 Rainer, R.K., Cegielski, C.G., 2012. Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business, 4th ed. Wiley. Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A., Johnston, R., 2013. Operations Management, 7th ed. Pearson education Limited.

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