There are two types of bacteria that cause Typhus, Rickettsia Typhi and Rickettsia Prowazekii. The form of Typhus depends on which type of bacteria has entered the body and caused the infection. Rickettsia Typhi causes Murine or Endemic Typhus. Endemic Typhus is unusual in the United States. When it is found, its usually seen in areas with poor hygiene and where the temperature is cold. Endemic typhus is sometimes called "jail fever." Murine Typhus typically occurs in the southeastern United States, often during the summer and fall. Risk factors for Murine Typhus include exposure to rat fleas or rat feces. Rickettsia Prowazekii causes both Epidemic Typhus and Brill-Zinsser disease. Brill-Zinsser disease is a far more mild form of Epidemic Typhus. It occurs when the disease re-activates in a person who was previously infected. It is more common in the elderly. Lice and fleas of flying squirrels spread the bacteria. There is no commercially available vaccine against either Endemic or Epidemic typhus.
The name given the disease comes from the ancient Greek Typhus meaning smoky or hazy, denoting the condition of mind into which the victim soon lapses after developing his or her first symptoms. Symptoms of Murine or Endemic Typhus may include abdominal pain, backache, raging red rashes, an extremely high fever, hacking followed by a dry cough, headaches, nausea, vomiting and/or joint and muscle pain. Symptoms of Epidemic Typhus may include chills, confusion, Low blood pressure, stupor and/or sensitivity to light. Blood tests may show a low white blood cell count, anemia and low platelets. They may also show a high level of Typhus antibodies, low levels of albumin, low sodium levels and high liver enzymes. Typhus is often c...
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...s of Typhus are limited, but the disease has the potential to re-emerge. For example, in Burundi, Africa refugee camps were afflicted in 1997-1998, when about half a million people received the illness. In China in 1999, more than five thousand six hundred people were afflicted following an earthquake. They were forced to live in poor, cold conditions making it the ideal place for a new breakout. In my opinion the United States should entirely rid itself of this disease, including all of the samples held in government labs to preserve as deadly war weapons. The government should also take necessary precaution all over the United States especially in shelters, habitually running tests and routinely ensuring the sanitization of shelters during a natural disaster. These preventive measures will almost guarantee the extermination of the disease in America all together.
Typhoid fever is a systemic infection caused by the gram-negative organism Salmonella typhi. It is transmitted through fecal-oral or urine-oral route by either direct or indirect contact of the carrier’s or infected individual’s feces or urine. Humans are the only source of this organism. Ingestion of
...Organization summed it up best by stating “yellow fever is still considered to be a public health emergency of international concern,” (Yellow Fever WHO).
The outburst spread of diseases in a population causes people to panic and become hopeless. The main reason diseases spread is due to unsanitary living styles. Also when a disease first begins, it is really hard to find a cure right away. A very deadly, infectious disease known as Typhus spread during the Holocaust. Typhus is caused by rickettsia and is spread by lice and flees.
two hundred million people suffer world wide from Schistosomiasis. It is often misdiagnosed as Typhoid Fever. It is also found in mammals such as cattle and water buffalo.
Almost no one on Earth has any immunity at all to this virus, which makes ordinary vaccines useless against it. The sudden spread of the virus into Europe foreshadows an epidemic development that could be worldwide. Ultimately, there is no way to protect ourselves against epidemics. They will keep disappearing and coming back in new forms.
Tuberculosis or TB is an airborn infection caused by inhaled droplets that contain mycobacterium tuberculosis. When infected, the body will initiate a cell-mediated hypersensitivity response which leads to formation of lesion or cavity and positive reaction to tuberculin skin test (Kaufman, 2011). People who have been infected with mycobacteria will have a positive skin test, but only ones who have active TB will show signs and symtoms. Basic signs and symptoms include low grade fever, cough with hemoptysis, and tachypnea. They may also show pleuristic chest pain, dyspnea, progressive weight loss, fatigue and malaise (Porth, 2011).
The bubonic plague was the most common plague which resulted in "30 to 75 percent of deaths in the Europe". There were symptoms such as enlarged lymph on the arms, armpits, and neck. The disease got its name because bubo means enlarged lymphatic gland. The people who caught this form usually had headaches, nausea, pain in the joints, fever of 101 degrees or higher, and vomiting, but symptoms took 1...
Smallpox is a disease from the variola virus. Smallpox has caused an estimated number of 300 million deaths in the 1900s alone. Smallpox is said to have been around since the ancient Egyptian times. The disease was eradicated in the late 20th century and two samples are still kept, one in U.S.A and one in Russia. Smallpox creates bumps and blisters all over the body and has been one of the most fatal epidemics the world has seen.
During this time, the most serious symptoms occur. The classic trio of Yellow Fever is Jaundice—yellowing of the skin due to liver failure, black vomit—named because of the presence of blood within the vomit produces a dark black color, and protein in urine which occurs due to kidney malfunction (“Yellow Fever—Timeline”). Hemorrhaging of the internal organs may also occur and lead to large amounts of bleeding. Although only a small number of patients develop symptoms this severe, jaundice (especially if coupled with the other symptoms) is an accurate indicator of death; the fatality rate of Yellow Fever patients with jaundice is 20-50%. The intoxication phase will likely last 3-9 days, and if the patient lives, they will recover after a short period without any lasting complications from their bout with Yellow Fever. Also, after having yellow fever, one will receive full, lifetime immunity to future infection from the disease (“Yellow Fever” Gale
“Typhus fever is another disease born of bad sanitation. It is also known as, "jail fever" or "ship fever," because it was so common among men held captive in such putrid surroundings. The disease was highly contagious and usually transmitted through human feces and lice that infested the unclean bodies of the Elizabethans.
Throughout history many different diseases have infected the world. Such diseases consist of measles, mumps, malaria, typhus and yellow fever. Many of these diseases are caused by different things and originated in different countries.
Not only typhus has affected but the prison stank. The scent of cold of, like, old plaster and meta(prison the year 1577, called the "Black Assize," was a dreadful instance of the deadly effects of the jail fever. "The Court were surprised with a pestilent savour, whether arising from the noisome smell of the prisoners, or from the damp of the ground, is uncertain; but all that were present, within forty hours died...” (pascale
Salmonella enterica typhi (typhoid fever causing bacteria) are parasites with no other known living environment outside of humans (Pike, 2014). Typhoid has the ability to cause large outbreaks and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has classified Salmonella species with other food safety threats as high priority potential bioterrorism agents (Baggier, Burwen, Haber, & Ball, 2004). Salmonella enterica typhi is one of three species of the Salmonella genus. Typhoid gets its name from Typhos, which means smoke, or to cloud, or vapor. It was thought to be transmitted through a “cloud of sickness called miasma” (Pike, 2014). When someone recovers from typhoid fever, about 3-5% become carriers o...
The Black Plague (1348-1350) was the biggest tragedy Europe has ever faced because of the social and economic downfalls, which caused a huge loss of millions of people due to the terrible disease. The Black Plague was the largest epidemic that Europe has ever seen; it killed off fifty percent of their society all around. The economy was corrupt and it caused inflation. The Black Plague destroyed the social standings within society, and also the origin of why there were so many deaths in Europe.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitting infection caused by Treonema pallidum, a gram negative, and anaerobic spirochete bacteria 1. Syphilis is thought to have been brought to Europe by Columbus and his sailors in the 1500’s 1. The disease is characterized by four different stages with varying symptoms depending on the stage that the disease is in1. Often syphilis is presented with another sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia. Public education regarding safe sex is important for the prevention of this sexually transmitted infection.