Two Biological Explanations of Schizophrenia

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Two Biological Explanations of Schizophrenia

There are many biological explanations of schizophrenia. In this essay

I will concentrate on the genetic explanation and biochemical

explanation of the disorder. There are many studies that look in to

genetics and the link to schizophrenia. This is dues to an original

finding that schizophrenia runs in families and therefore suggests

that genes are responsible for the disorder. I study was preformed by

Janicak et al 2001; they found that monozygotic twins have a 48%

concordance rate. This is considerably less in dizygotic twins where

the concordance rate falls to 17%. This would suggest there is a

strong case for genetics being involved with schizophrenia. However if

the disorder was caused entirely by genetics then we would expect a

100% concordance with monozygotic twins. A supporting study is one by

Kety et al. 1988. This study found 14% of biological relatives of

schizophrenic adoptee were schizophrenic, and only 2.7% of adoptive

relatives. This backs up the claim for geneti...

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