Persuasive Essay About Being 18

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Turning 17 and being almost 18 guarantees you being an adult right? Wrong. You are still treated like a kid--at least in my case it does. I am still treated like I am 10 years old being only allowed to do certain activities like playing with the TV only with parent permission. Maybe not that bad, but being treated like a kid and having a curfew with set times and restrictions that are still placed upon me. Being close to 18 and not having the freedom as an adult may have is what I have to deal with. Just because I am 17, nearing 18, I am constantly told to “act my age and to behave like an adult” by my parents. I want to go to a late night concert? Nope, adults stay in and do things like work. I want to go to a football game that ends later in the night? Nope, adults “do not stay out for silly events like those. You need to be at home learning as much as you can. Try searching for math classes you can take online because you do not have a Masters or Doctorate in mathematics yet” and multiple things like that. I am plagued with the constant statement of being told to be an adult. I am not an adult--at least not yet, nor do I want to be if this is what adults are treated. …show more content…

I want to be able to have my own freedom without having to be told what I need to do. My parents will treat me like a child using “be an adult” as an excuse. If I am an adult, why would I need to behave as one if I am already one right? I understand that my parents want me to succeed and are just looking out for me by giving me these strict restrictions so that I will behave and come home at a reasonable time, but I would like to think I personally can make these decisions by myself without the help of my parents. While I do appreciate their guidance, I do think they overreact on many occasions. Just because I want to stay out late does not mean that I will “do drugs and learn bad habits from

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