True Wisdom In Socrates's Apology

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“True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves and the world around us”-Socrates. Socrates explain that we can only be wise by knowing that we know nothing, meaning being able to understand that not everything in this world we are going to understand and accepting that is true wisdom. Being wise means, having the power of being able to judge properly for what is true or right. In The Apology Socrates must defend himself to save his life when he is brought before the court on a charge that states “Socrates is guilty of corrupting the minds of the young, and of believing in deities of his own invention instead of the gods recognized by the state” (pg. 3). Socrates goes on to explain the way he …show more content…

5). If Socrates is aware that he is not a skillful speaker means that he is aware and knowledgeable in what he lacks in therefore me must be wise because he knows the truth of himself. However, it is very arrogant to say to a jury that he is a skillful speaker in speaking the truth. This makes him seem like he is entitled to a high position when he is fully aware that the jury is judging whether or not he be executed and it is inappropriate for the situation. He then goes on to explain why people believe he is abnormal to societies social accustoms. “I have gained this reputation, gentleman, from nothing more or less than a kind of wisdom.”(pg. 7). Socrates is not humble about his knowledge and wisdom he is trying to make himself feel qualified and is trying to justify that he is in fact wise instead of justifying why he is not guilty and barely touches upon why he should not be executed and is more concerned about his beliefs of wisdom. He then proceeds to explain that a democrat asked a priest whether or not there is a man wiser than Socrates and the priest replied with there is no one. Thus this implies that Socrates is the wisest man on earth. Socrates added this anecdote in his defense to try and prove that he is honestly wise and hopes that the jury may see that it …show more content…

Through this Socratic Method he is able to determine whether a person is wise or not. Wisdom is being able to act using knowledge, understanding and insight of what is right or true. Socrates does this by being aware of his ignorance and admitting he truly knows nothing. He is honest and acts upon what are right and what is being requested by God. He fulfils this request by seeking one who is wiser than him and proving others ignorance. Socrates died not in defense of his own life but in defense of his

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