True Road to Recovery

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The True Road to Recovery

For years, many new and innovative recovery options have sprouted up in response to the growing population of addicts in America. Although each individual program has the same ultimate goal, they each take a different approach. The specific approach taken by each program is what can make or break the success of recovery for an addict. The most popular of these programs are twelve-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous. However, twelve-step programs are not the only options available. Despite their popularity, twelve-step programs lack the personal qualities that some secular programs offer. What's more is that these programs do not cater to individual needs and differences, therefore limiting their potential as the best option for everyone.

For addicts and alcoholics, recovery requires a complete lifestyle change not just a session or two. Furthermore, because addiction is to some extent learned, it takes an educational and medical approach to fully treat an addict. Between 30 and 60 percent of people seeking help for their substance abuse are also suffering from depression or other psychiatric disorders (Moos, 4). Twelve-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are mainly based on social aspects. Whereas others might benefit from social interactions, manic-depressives and those with anxiety disorders do not fully participate in such social activities and therefore do not benefit from these interactions. In this aspect, twelve-step programs are limited in the type of people they can help and the extent to which they can help participants.

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On some level, the social interactions offered by twelve-step programs can be beneficia...

... middle of paper ... dropout among treatment groups (

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Finney & Mayer, 254). In the end, the most effective treatment is the treatment that is most relevant to the individual.


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Examining Mechanisms of Action in 12 Step Treatment: The Role of 12

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Finney, J W., & Mayer, A. (2002). Methodological Characteristics and Qualities

of Alcohol Treatment Outcome Studies. Addiction, 97, 253-262.

Miller, W P., Schermer, C., & Tonigan, J S. (2003). Atheists, Agnostics and

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Moos, R H. (2003). Addictive Disorders in Context: Principles and Puzzles of

Effective Treatment and Recovery. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 17, 3-12.

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