Tricks Of Deception In Othello

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Iago, a man with a cold heart and no care for any other. Within William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Othello, Iago uses tricks of deceit to ruin the lives of Cassio, Othello and his dear beloved, Desdemona. By using lies of adultery, Iago pushes loved ones and dear trustworthy friends apart. The choices he makes throughout Othello, reflect his dark personality that will eventually come back to him. Iago’s moment of choice, that is quick to ruin the lives of those around him, is when he used his betrayal by Othello to conceive a plan that frames Cassio and Desdemona of having a love affair. Iago is a close friend who works closely, while being well trusted, with Othello. Unknowingly to Othello, Iago suspects that he laid with Iago’s wife out of …show more content…

That fight gets Cassio fired from his position because it stirs commotion that alarms Othello, bringing him out of his sleeping chamber. Cassio is fired because he is too drunk to give the truth and the lies Iago feed Othello leads to Cassio’s departure from his position, “ I know, Iago, / Thy honesty and love doth mince this matter, / Making it light to Cassio. Cassio, I love thee; / But never more be officer of mine” (239-242). The plan is really brought into action when he begins to use his trick of suggestion in order to get Othello to think about the possibility of an affair. His suggestions come with no true proof, “ I speak not yet of proof. / Look to your wife; observe her well with Cassio; / Wear your eye thus, not jealous nor secure” (219-221). By creating meetings that sound of a different nature, he is able to trick Othello into believing conversations of a different matter. Not only does he obtain the handkerchief that symbolizes the love Othello has for Desdemona, but he uses said handkerchief to tear the marriage apart. Othello begins to question Desdemona about the whereabouts of the handkerchief, “ Is’t lost? Is’t gone? Speak, is it out o’ the way?”, hoping she will tell the truth of where it lies, with Cassio. Iago pushes Othello even more about Cassio having the handkerchief, “ And to see how he prizes the foolish woman your wife! She gave it him, and he hath given it his whore” (186-188). Othello’s anger and jealousy begins to to turn into a more violent nature rather than his once calm self. Iago’s plan is working just as he has planned, and he could not be

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