Travels With My Aunt.

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Travels With My Aunt.

In Travels with my Aunt, Graham Greene, the author, tends to show less

respect that we would present towards some traditional values and

institutions such as religion, Church, marriage, police and funerals.

His attitudes towards traditional values lets us see other points of

view, for example we wouldn’t had laughed reading about a funeral

whilst reading Travels with my Aunt we did.

Henry is one of the few characters which Graham Greene show with a

respectful attitude towards many things. However he changes and

develops his ideas as the days pass by next to aunt Augusta.

“I lead them into the dinning room” this quotation shows the

respectful attitude Henry had towards the police at the beginning.

“Police business of course, I said. What other business do you deal

in?”, this other quotation is showing Henry talking with less respect

than before and as he continues “It was almost as though my aunt were

speaking through me.”, we realise that Henry is changing his attitude

because of Augusta, because he is now close to Augusta and as she

hasn’t got respect to the police Henry is starting to act the same


Aunt Augusta on the other hand has been during the book a character

who showed no respect or very little towards the police, authorities.

She’s a woman who lives her life as she likes and does not care about

legal or illegal attitudes.

Graham Greene mocks the stereotypical character of an old lady, an

example is one of the main characters of the book, Aunt Augusta. The

audience would have expected her as a calm, sedentary woman, maybe

married but instead she is very active, she’s very. The audience would

have expected her as a calm, sedentary woman, maybe married but


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...pical old woman, we wouldn’t expect

woman of her age talking freely about sex whilst Augusta is not shy

and so talks freely and happily about sex, this quotation proves it:

“I am all for a little professional sex”.

Also Graham Greene mocks daily life style and behaviours, an example

is again aunt Augusta, she’s very attracted to men whilst an

stereotypical woman of her age wouldn’t.

“I let them in, though, because they were polite and one of them, the

one in uniform, was tall and good-looking “. This quotation proves

that Augusta is very attracted to men.

In conclusion, Graham Greene writes about daily life things but though

another point of view, he stands out the curious, special, rare things

that could happen in the most common occasions. Also Graham Greene

mocks several pillars of respectability such as religion, law and

traditional morality.

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