Essay About Transitions

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What is a transition?
Changes that may occur especially for teenagers and young adults o moving from primary school to high school o moving from high school to university o starting full time work o moving out of home into your own place or a share house
These important events are about moving on, and are often called Transitions are a normal part of life and are a part of growing and developing.
Other transitions include: o Going through puberty o Family changes o Changing countries o Changing identities and or gender o Coming out o Starting a partner relationship o Becoming a parent

How do transitions feel?
Transitions can be exciting and enjoyable, and they can also be quite stressful. You might have had to get used to new surroundings, …show more content…

Early puberty can mean looking like and being treated as an adult while still feeling the same inside. The opposite can also happen if an individual develops later than others in their peer group.
Transitions and growing up
People often experience a sense of loss when moving from childhood towards adult responsibilities. While ‘growing up’ is something that is often publicly celebrated with events, what you leave behind is often not recognised or talked about.
Are transitions stressful?
Negotiating transitions can create added stresses in young people’s lives. As you get older your responsibilities and what is expected of you will change.
For example: o when you finish school you might be expected to know what you want to do with your …show more content…

Are there good things about transitions?
One of the good things about transitions is they lead to growth and increased opportunities. An example of this is the increased freedom that comes with growing up.
Working through a transition from the old to the new can also lead to increased confidence and experience.
It can also help to acknowledge there are a wide variety of feelings that accompany change and to accept these feelings and understand that you may act differently for a while. It is very normal to have these feelings and as the unfamiliar becomes the ‘new normal’ you will find they become less intense and gradually pass. It can be helpful to think of what usually helps you to deal with these kinds of feelings and use these things to get through this time.
More skills are gained to manage their lives and make choices. Things you will eventually take for granted as you grow older, such as getting a driver’s licence, earning an income, going to parties, voting and creating a home.
What can I do to help manage my transitions better?
Ideas to help manage transitions: o Writing in a journal or

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