Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury

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Transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) has insidiously become the leading cause of transfusion linked deaths in the United States and most other developed countries. Its frequently was only recognized thanks to Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT), a British hemovigilance system. It took note of an upward trending of deaths occurring after transfusion and hallmarked by lung complications. Although experts and major stake holders in the field are continually being convened to iron out a consensual definition of TRALI, the current working definition of TRALI is, a life-threatening adverse effect of transfusion characterized by development of acute respiratory distress with hypoxemia during or up to 6 hours after completion of a blood transfusion.
The first documented case of TRALI was in 1951. In this originating case, TRALI was described as a hypersensitivity causing lung complications (1). Other encounters with TRALI yielded an array of other descriptive terms until 1985 when the Mayo Clinic came up with the word TRALI to define acute respiratory distress with lung edema that followed transfusion of blood or blood products. The first fatality of TRALI was reported to the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) in 1992. Since then, the number of deaths caused by TRALI has gradually and consistently rose. Between 1992 when the first reported fatality was reported and the fiscal year 2000, there were 45 more deaths. The latest figures from CBER for fiscal year 2008 to 2012 confirm that there were 74 deaths caused by TRALI. Quite an alarming spike.
Increasing TRALI fatalities in the US and the lack of a clear definition called for action by the National Heart Lung and Blood Instit...

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...ates and RBC.
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10. Rizk A, Gorson KC, Kenney L, Weinstein R.Transfusion-related acute lung injury after the infusion of IVIG. Transfusion. 2001; 41:264-268.
11. Chapman, C.E., Williamson, L.M., Cohen, H., Stainsby, D. & Jones, H. (2006) The impact of using male donor plasma on haemovigliance reports of transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) in the UK.

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