Transforming Education Through Quality Teaching

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Our nation’s education system strives through the hard work and dedication of its educators. Often great teachers, principles and supporting staff are drawn to the profession because they possess the desire to empower, inspire, nurture and watch young people grow - not only academically, but also emotionally. These people are there because they want to make an impact upon our society and the lives of whom the reach. Highly effective teachers are those who have taken learning to new heights by accelerating student learning, closing achievement gaps that persisted for decades, and promoting a mindset of change. Moreover, the presence of highly effective teachers in classrooms today continues to manifest as a result of the support from strong school leaders (U.S. Department of Education, 2013). Teacher Preparation In recent years, the cliché image of a teacher has come under attach. Research has shown that teachers often work in an isolated setting in which they are considered experts in their specific area; however they often lack the support and equipment needed to do their jobs effectively. As a result, to the inadequate working environment new teachers often leave the profession within the first five years. These conditions often exist because the educational system fails to prepare our teachers with the proper tools and experience needed to do their job well (U.S. Department of Education, 2010). Moreover teacher preparation programs are on the rise. Recommend by the Department of Education these programs seek to support educators individually and in teams by implementing training with technology, resources and learning experiences that improve, inspire, and empower educators to provide effective learning environments for all ... ... middle of paper ... ...innovation and change. Grants such as RESPECT and STEM Master Teachers Corps are two programs supported by our government that offer financial support in the transformation of the system. States and local districts utilizing these funds are able to recruit, train and retain teachers; school leaders and support staff the new vision of classroom learning. Works Cited Ehrenberg, R. G. (Winter 2012). American higher education in transition. Journal of Economic Perspectives , 26 (1), page 193-216. U.S. Department of Education . (2009, 11 06). Teacher Quality Partnership Grant Program. Retrieved 11 19, 2013, from U.S. Department of Education. (2013). A blueprint for r.e.s.p.e.c.t.: Recognizing education success, professional excellence and collaborative teaching. Washington, D.C.: Department of Education.

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