Transformative Theory And Transformative Theories In The Study Of International Relations

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In order to understand how the world organises its international affairs one needs to look at the various elements that form part of how international relations are structured. This can be done in a number of ways; through examining the relationships between institutions on an international level, assessing how power influences a nation’s international presence or how the global economy affects the goals and interests of a nation. Different approaches on how to study International Relations have been established throughout history, they can be divided into two main groups, conservative theories and transformative theories. Each theory attempts to understand and explain how International Relations work. In this essay there will be discussed why transformative theories, also referred to as critical theories, are preferred in the study of International Relations. There will also be looked at some main aspects of each theory and how their respective perceptions contribute to international relations.

Realism as a conservative theory

The main purpose of conservative theories can be seen as the “explanation of political reality” and that they “help us to understand the world, and nothing more” (McGowan, Cornelissen & Nel, 2006). Conservative analysts state that a good theory can also assist decision-makers into creating better policies. Under the category of conservative theories falls realism. Donnelly (2000: 09) referred to realism as a “general orientation” that sees “international relations largely as a realm of power and interest.” This concedes that there is no concrete definition for realism, but it is rather a perspective on how political reality is shaped. Realists make certain assumptions on which they...

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There are many different viewpoints from which International Relations can be analysed. The study of politics, particularly international systems, consists of a wide range of factors and throughout history different perspectives have resulted in many different attempts to interpret, understand and to some extent predict future events. The two main theories that were discussed, namely conservative and transformative theories, each provide a unique perspective. However there is no single correct theory in the study of international relations the transformative approach is generally preferred. This is because it provides a deeper level of analysis and instead of just explaining political reality it pursues to give radical alternatives. Transformative theory has also been favoured because of its main focus on the economic role within politics.

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