Fitness Training

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Fitness Training


The fitness training project is about me as an individual performing a

circuit with different exercises all relating to one sport which I

have chosen to do. The circuit training is done over a five week

period and I have to record my results and any progress or

difficulties I have stumbled across.

The sport I have chosen to use for my circuit training is football for

a number of different reasons. I enjoy playing football and I seem to

have a natural interest for the sport. I have been playing football

for a long time and I have seemed to have mastered a few techniques.

Fitness is the ability to meet demands of the environment. There are

two different types of fitness, general and specific. I am going to

explain both types of fitness in more detail. It is important that you

are fit rather than unfit, if you are fit you can cope with the

demands and the activities without getting too worn out.

General fitness relates to everyday use of your body. There are

several different aspects. Stamina or endurance - this is the ability

of the body to keep on going without getting too tired. It is made up

of Cardiovascular endurance andmuscular endurance. The two are related

because your muscles will fatigue easily if they do not receive enough

sufficient oxygen. Strength, flexibility and speed are also the other

aspects of general fitness. General fitness keeps you healthy and it

prevents accidents from occurring. We all require a minimum level of

general fitness, to cope with the demands of everyday life.

In some areas of sport specific fitness is required where there is

more skill involved. I...

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...e exercise in a long time. I think over the five week

period I have got fitter, but I want to keep it up and get more

fitter. So I have decided that I am going to do circuit training in my

own time because I like it so much.

For the warm up I quickly jogged on the spot to get the circulation

flowing faster. I also wanted to get my muscles warmed up so they

became more flexible so I wouldn't be risking a greater chance of

injury. For the cool down I just stretched for a while and breathed in

deeply. This also helped loosen my muscles and prevent stiffness.

If I compare week one to week 5 I can see I made a vast improvement,

and I am pleased with the results I have achieved because I am not a

very active person, and I don't like exercise. I have become fitter

than when I started out and I have gained more confidence.

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