Tragic Hero In Sophocles Oedipus

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Ever since man, has set foot upon the earth drama and tragedy has been the path chosen whether it is of ones own doing or of society’s traditional influences. Such is the case of Sophocles’ Oedipus. Oedipus, an infant born unto nobility, discarded by nobility, to be adopted into nobility and then to be chosen for nobility by the people, to be King of Thebes . To end up blinded by his own hand and led by his own daughter through the remainder of his life. It is in this manner that Sophocles choses to use the understanding of Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero to depict that life lesson for today’s audience. It is no coincidence that Aristotle’s characterization of a tragic hero befits Oedipus through his high estates, tragic flaw, and …show more content…

The relevance for virtue ethics arises from the ways in which characters in the play react to their predicament and try to cope with the situations they must face. Sophocles is alluding in the very opening of the play to the information of what Aristotle mentions as one of the requirements to be a tragic hero. “Priest. Great Oedipus, O powerful King of Thebes.” Sophocles provides another insight of Aristotle’s definition in the way Oedipus extinguishes himself in answering the Sphinx riddle. Therefore, by passing the Sphinx riddle Oedipus earns the throne of Thebes plus the widowed queen as wife, his own mother. Yet, it is more than the murder that has plagued the city of Thebes however; it is the plague of one protagonist, which has brought about this …show more content…

Even when Oedipus questions Teiresic repeatedly and demands the truth of her, her answer remains the same “he who asks is guilty of murder.” Sophocles’ identifies the plot by giving the glimpses of Oedipus wisdom mixed in with the folly of poor discernment at the same time. Thus, the hamartia Oedipus reveals of himself. Oedipus, as many Greeks then, believes in oracles more than trusting one God. By doing so shows the gullibility of the King to be misguided and misinformed of the truth. According to the textbook, Sophocles’ begins the fall from high to low estate the moment Oedipus announces his proclamation to all the Thebans to bring this murderer to justice even if it was himself. However, he then turns around and places the blame on Creon for the murder of his father and wanting to take over the thrown. Creon asks for his sisters’ defense in the matter with Oedipus. Here again Oedipus is told of the prophecy by his own wife .Therefore, providing another detailed report of Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero. Locaste repeatedly reminds Oedipus that he was the murderer, ignoring the truth he already had known. Once again, Sophocles’ under no knowledge gave another moment to witness of the one true living God. In Luke 12:3 it states, “Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.”

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