Tourism: The Natural, Social And Cultural Values Of Tourism

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Tourism is the set of activities carried out by individuals during their travels and stays in diffrent places from those of their usual environment for a period of less than one consecutive year. Business is the occupation, activity or work being done for profit, and finaly the environment is a system formed by natural and artificial elements related to each other and which are modified by human action. This is the kind of conditions the way of life of society and that includes natural, social and cultural values that exist in a particular place and time. The tourist market consists of buyers and sellers. The vendors offer diferente types of products and services that can be tailored to diferente customer needs and buying motives. We have some important factors affecting this market like, the consumers, the …show more content…

The final decision assesses the consumer depending on the market (competition) and characteristics of the product or service and the consumers themselves.
All organizations have however key factors, for the success companies have to provide a good product or service that is above average. Which influence consumers to use the services of this organization are two major factors that are push (what motivates us to go someplace or choose something like meeting people, romance, relaxation, etc.) and pull factors ( what the place or product motivates to go or to buy, like quality, Local climate, Positive reputation of destination, natural environment, culture.
The first key- factor of this company begins by being the first and only in the market to meet the needs of consumers giving a complete package so that they are to have all given by the company since the transport, accommodation, food, excursions and entertainment providing new and unique experiences for return

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