Tommy Douglas

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Many say that the best things in life are free, like family and love. But without health, nothing in this world matters. Thomas Clement "Tommy" Douglas, known as "the Father of Medical Healthcare", was one of Canada's most captivating politicians who was not elected as Prime Minister. (Canadian Health Coalition: Tommy Douglas). He was born in Falkirk, Scotland, and moved to Winnipeg when he was 15 years old. (The Canadian Encyclopedia). He never gave up on his dreams and persevered until his voice was heard. (The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan). Many described Tommy Douglas as a small man with a huge personality. His impressive interaction skills, lightheartedness and support from millions of Canadians aided him in giving Canadians something that stronger and more powerful nations could not provide: universal Medicare. (Douglas-Coldwell Foundation). Besides introducing universal healthcare to Canada, he established several legislations such as the Trade Union Act, which improved workers’ compensation and also increased minimum wage. (CBC: Canada, “A People’s History”). Tommy Douglas was the best Canadian because he introduced universal healthcare to North America, was the head of the first democratic socialist government in North America, and established several labor legislation laws that helped average Canadians live a higher quality of life.
Tommy Douglas was considered the best Canadian because he was the first to introduce universal hospitalization to North America. Firstly, When Douglas was 10 years old, his leg was infected, and his parents could not afford to amputate his leg. Fortunately, a local surgeon offered to do surgery on his leg if his class was allowed to watch. Douglas stated that this circumstance made him dr...

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...rated in Canada to make sure Canadians did not have to suffer because of their low incomes. He passed the first “Universal Hospitalization Act” in North America. Douglas put Canada ahead of many powerful countries in terms of hospitalization. As Premier, Douglas enforced many labor legislation laws which gave workers in Saskatchewan a higher quality of life with higher compensation, set hours, and a Union Board. Douglas also founded the New Democratic Party of Canada, which was the Official Opposition in 2011. Tommy Douglas changed the face of Canada in several impressive ways. He wished to see others do the same thing. In one of his speeches, he intently said, “Man can now fly in the air like a bird, swim under the ocean like a fish, he can burrow into the ground like a mole. Now if only he could walk the earth like a man, this would be paradise. (Brainy Quotes.)

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