To Lose Belly Fat, Total Body Fat Must be Reduced

577 Words2 Pages

Solely losing fat below the belt isn't possible; you can't spot reduce one area of your body. To reduce lower belly fat, you must lose total body fat. In addition to eating a sensible diet, exercise can help you burn calories and stimulate muscle tissue to promote weight loss. Then when your entire body start slimming down, that belly pooch will also reduce. (See References 1)

Cardio with High-Intensity Intervals

According to research findings published in the Journal of Obesity, high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is more effective in reducing belly fat than other forms of exercise. (See References 2) During HIIT, you alternate between a vigorous cardio pace for about one minute, and recover at a moderate pace for two minutes. Experts recommend this type of vigorous exercise for 75 minutes a week. (See References 3) You can incorporate intervals during most forms of cardio including bike riding, jogging, jumping rope, or while pedaling on an elliptical apparatus.

Muscle-Strengthening Exercises

Strength training can reduce your body fat including the fat below your bel...

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