Time Travel In Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five

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After I read the “Slaughterhouse-Five” (Kurt Vonnegut, 1969), I found it interesting that the author wrote this satirical novel about World War II experiences using time travel. Even though the time travel makes the story look chaotic and confused, I believe the author had deep meaning about the time travel. Also, the author uses a lot of black humor to critical the war. In our world today, there are still some wars especially in the Middle East. I think that really not good for developing and have much more bad effect for people who live around the war. According to Peter Herborn “World War I was supposedly the ‘war to end all wars’, but it ushered in a century characterized by more destructive warfare” (67). I think the author want to express …show more content…

But every coin has two side, so does war. Some people think war will always around us because the country need develop. “The prominent University of Chicago political scientist John J. Mearsheimer, a self-declared “card-carrying realist,” sees great danger for the United States in China’s continued prosperity: “Can China rise peacefully? My answer is no. If China continues its impressive economic growth over the next few decades, the United States and China are likely to engage in an intense security competition with considerable potential for war” (2006, 160).” (James Payne, 2012) People around the world can see that China follow a peaceful way to develop fast both on military and economic. But there are still have some people believe it’s dangerous. I can understand what they are concern about, but every country wants to develop as well as the U.S., and the main goal is not to occupied or flaunt anything, the main aim is to make the ordinary people who live in the country have a better life. And the country develop their military is in order to protect their citizen, and make their citizen fell safety. There is a Chinese old saying “One shouldn 't have the heart to harm others, but must be vigilant so as not to be harmed.” We cannot have a bad idea for others, but we still need protect ourselves to avoid hurt. I think this view is the same as between …show more content…

During the book, the author use words or phrases as a form of mock seriousness that gives way to the absurd. Especially after a person died, there will have “So it goes” (Kurt Vonnegut, 1969). The author wants to use this kind of specific words to emphasize that the war is really oppressive and cruel. The author through the Billy’s perspective to explain his own feelings, and condemn the Fascism’s brutal, and laugh at human start the war stupid because the war causes a lot of unfair, make many people died, and anyone involved the war have bad life. The only thing that the war can give us is unhappiness, and cannot bring anything good. Conversely, the peaceful environment not only can make people fell security, but also promote the social

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