Throat Cancer Research Paper

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Throat cancer is very rare these days. It usually occurs in the elderly population and is more likely to affect men 5 times more than women. Throat Cancer is very interesting because it not only chooses a specific gender to go after but occurs in the elderly population more often. There’s many stories of people who woke up with a lump on their neck and ignored it but sooner or later they went to their physician and found out that they had throat cancer. My task for this paper is to enlighten others of Throat Cancer.
Throat Cancer has many risk factor. African American males or more likely to catch Throat Cancer. Not only that, men above the age of 65 are 5 times more likely to catch Throat Cancer than women. Most causes of this cancer are due to excessive alcohol consumption, chewing too much tobacco, smoking, age and gender. It would be safe to stay away from these things that could give you a chance of getting Throat Cancer. Even though it's very rare to get, it can be very dangerous if you and had no clue because it could be too late to cure. Parts of the body will be cut off …show more content…

Symptoms of throat cancer can include a sore throat that does not go away, a lump in the neck, pain or ringing in the ears, trouble swallowing, chronic coughing,weight loss, changes in the voice, and bleeding in the mouth or nose . All of these symptoms are very painful and no one should go through them. Don't worry though, there are many treatments for Throat Cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, and targeted drug therapy. Many of these treatments can get rid of Throat Cancer but can be described as painful treatments to go through, but it's the best options to get rid of the

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