Three Reasons Against Gun Control

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A controversial subject in America today is gun control; should there be or should there not be. I do not know the answer to this question, but I do have an opinion as most citizen of our country. All trough our history guns have been used for the good of the people, and on the other hand, they have been used for the not so good of the people; however, as with most things there is a good use and a bad use. I believe the good uses out weigh the bad uses in this case. In this essay I am going to discuss three reasons I am against gun control: one being it is our constitutional right to bear arms, two every citizen should have the right to protect themselves, their family, and their property, and three for conservation purposes hunting must be permitted, and to hunt guns are a necessity.

Our founding fathers when writing our constitution added the right to bear arms in the second amendment. People who are for gun control argue the meaning of the right to bear arms is for military and law enforcement purposes, this is true both need guns to protect the citizens of our country. T...

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