Three Example Of Revolutions

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When a government violates the rights and fails to protect its citizens, it is the people’s right to instigate a revolution to revise the government as they see fit. Revolutions especially in the case of complete and utter corruption when leaders of the government are bought by coin and allow injustice to happen, it is the people who must respond and bring the wrongdoers to justice. When a government overreaches its authority and violates its citizen’s rights, the people must rise against tyranny and injustice around them, in doing this they begin the struggle for change in their world. However, in all revolutions the methods and reasons are different. Some fight economic class abuse, some fight government overreach, and others racial prejudice. Three excellent examples of these revolutions are the French Revolution, the American Revolution, and the Civil Rights Movement. By observing these three revolutions, one can see how revolutions make a difference. “The French Revolution taught us the rights of man.” Thomas Sankara spoke these words in response to the great effect the French Revolution had upon the world. In 1789, the political atmosphere in France was dire. The French government was in sever debt and had taxed its …show more content…

The Civil Rights Movement was different because instead of armed revolt and battles of thousands, the Civil Rights Movement warred with words and protests. This type of revolution in itself was revolutionary. The CRM was modeled after Mahatma Ghandi’s approach for Indian independence. The movement , headed by Martin Luther King Junior, was championed by non-violence. MLK was aware of the fact that outlash from his faction would only vilify the the CRM. So, MLK led the Movement with sit-ins at restaurants, bus rides, and boycotts. Even with King’s death, the Movement continued the mass use of peaceful protest to end

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