Three Categories Of Physical Health

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I think that I am a person that does achieve all 3 categories in many ways. Out of all three categories I believe that my physical health is my strongest. My physical strength is my strongest because I play many sports and I have been playing many sports for a long time. My second strongest health is social because I make friends very easily and I am not very shy. Also, because I am on so many sports teams it gets me out there socializing with my teammates. When I go to soccer ID camps, I meet new girls from all around the area. The health I need more improvement on is mental. Mental health is a tough one for me because I am not the best at keeping my anger under control. I let the littlest things in the world affect me. *********For physical health I keep my health good by playing many sports and being active at least for 30 minutes a day. For my social health, I think that I get a good amount of that because of sports. For my mental, I think my emotional states could be either very happy or very sad and it changes very fast. Some negatives would include, the way I eat, that I don’t get enough sleep, and that I wear down my body from playing to many sports and don’t let my body have time to recover. One plan you can do, is first you could find a trainer that …show more content…

It describes physical because it is working out and staying fit and I do this everyday for 4 months it gets me in very good shape. It describes mental because you have to have the right mindset to go into soccer games saying you are going to win. You can’t doubt yourself if you do it could cause bad things that you don’t want. This describes social because you are on team it isn’t just you it is a social sport with 11 girls on the field. In order to succeed you have to be good at communicating to the girls on your team so you’re getting out of your comfort zone. I honestly think that I do all three of the health’s

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