Research Paper On Thomas Paine

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According to the Census Bureau, in 2012, 35.4% of the 309, 467,000 people in the United States were living in households that took federal welfare benefits. A fact even more dismal than that is that the richest people in this nation seek to escape any financial duties that they may have, and finance the campaigns of politicians that they believe will support their own personal causes. Thomas Paine who had sought to create an “asylum for mankind” in the American colonies would have an interesting reaction to the world that he ad imagined some 225 years ago in his pamphlet “ Common Sense”. While it’s impossible to gauge how someone from a different time period would react to nuanced problems that face the United States in the twenty first century, I personally believe that Thomas Paine would be appalled by the current state of the nation. The current welfare system and the state of the American democracy is not what he imagined when he set out to “ begin the world over again.”
Thomas Paine believed that society came out of a need for one another, to reason with others and find the limitations held by ourselves and others. He believed that one’s primary duty was to be kind to …show more content…

Ironically in 2001, the USA PATRIOT Act, which sought to protect Americans from future terrorist attacks, blatantly violated multiple of the laws signed into the Bill of Rights, and brought into being programs that monitor people’s whereabouts, actions online, and telephone usage. This modern day intrusion of privacy can easily be compared to the Quartering Act (1765) in which British colonists were forced to house and feed British soldiers in the American Colonies, and was a contributing factor in the road to revolution and was looked down upon by Thomas

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