Thinking, Fast And Slow By Daniel Kahnaker

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The Easy Decision of Choosing a President
In Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman goes to great lengths to explain the complex ways that humans think in the most simple and understandable fashion. Just as Kahneman’s title alludes, each person thinks in two distinct styles, one style is an automatic manner of thinking and the other is effortful, which he refers to as System 1 and System 2 throughout the book. Kahneman (2011) points out that when we perceive our own way of thinking “we identify with System 2, the conscious, reasoning self that has beliefs, makes choices, and decides what to think about and what to do” (p. 21), but he then immediately points out that that is not at all the case because System 1 is our dominate thinking process. We all rely heavily on System 1 because of it’s the easy and fast method, overlooking the fact that it is prone to errors and biases. System 1 and it’s short cuts are even used in important situations that we believe we have given adequate attention to, such as choosing who we will vote for in presidential elections, but even a decision such ...

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