Things Fall Apart Change Essay

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Change. Change is not easy to handle, let alone accepting it, letting change eat at you and your culture. The book, Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe, is a gripping novel about an African tribe thad tries to overcome or accept change. When people already have something imputed into their brains, it’s a major challenge to change that with an alienated culture nothing like their own. When Okonkwo dealt with change in his life, he was pushed off of the edge, and was willing to fight for what he believes in. Fighting for your culture is a noble and right thing to do, and here 3 reasons why. When people try to force their culture onto an already flourishing culture, that creates harsh conflict and is very immoral. When 2 cultures try to overcome each other, let’s say America’s culture and Saudi Arabia’s culture, thing start to get mixed up and very confusing. Weddings start to change, living styles will change, etc. When the Christians brought their culture, it severely messed up the culture of Okonkwo’s clan, and bringing the downfall of Okonkwo’s life. “It was a crime against the earth goddess to kill a clansman, and a man who committed it must flee from the land.”, unlike Christian culture, where …show more content…

If there was a very violent person who is doing something, and some people try to take that away and replace it with another, how would you expect him to react? He would probably fight back and try to keep his item he is doing something with. The same goes with Okonkwo and his culture.When the Christians try to take their culture away from such a primitive tribe, people know that it will not be ok, and the Christians should have known that. Of course Okonkwo would stand up for his fun and barbaric tradition . “...he felt a strong desire to take up his machete, go to the church and wipe out the entire vile and miscreant gang.” which shows his primitive

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