Scoliosis Essay

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Shawnessy Bodwell
Ms. Sharpe
Anatomy and Physiology 1 Lecture
22 June, 2017
This is an overview of the spinal deformation called Scoliosis. What Scoliosis is as a whole, as well as a breif mention of other spinal deformations that are in a similar catagory as Scoliosis. The causes of scoliosis, and how it develops in people who suffer from the deformation. How Scoliosis is diagnosed and the symptoms it causes people to suffer in cases that are both mild and severe; are all topics that'll be covered. Scoliosis is a deformation of the spinal column. The classification for Scoliosis is when the spinal column is curved sideways. Usually in the shape of the letter c or s. Unlike Lordosis, which is an extreme inward curve of the spine; or Kyphosis, a forward curve of the spine. Scoliosis's exaggeration lies in the how it's slanted. A few other subsets of Scoliosis specifically exist, including; Thoracolumbar scoliosis, which means that it effects the thoracic and lumbar sections of the spine. …show more content…

If the spine is normal then the issue is part of the child growing or a different issue that is causing enough pain to warent a trip to the doctors. If the angle is off however then it will be diagnosed as Scoliosis, Lordosis or Kyphosis respectively. Some cases of Scoliosis can be left alone as long as they are monitered and don't develop any further. Others can be prevented from further development by a back brace to keep their spinal alignment in check. However the only real cure for more severe cases of Scoliosis is back surgery. In most surgeries this can be corrected to one degree or another. Usually to straighten posture to quell the further development of the curve or to relieve backpain. Full correction of Scoliosis hoever usually is not

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