Theory of Deliberative Nursing Process

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Orlando’s Theory of Deliberative Nursing Process is based on key concepts and dimensions. Key concepts include: patient’s behavior, need for help, improvement, nurse’s reactions, perception, though, feeling, nurse’s activity, automatic nursing process, and deliberative nursing process. Frameworks from the theory have evolved from other theorist in regards to Orlando’s theory and include: professional nursing function, the patient’s presenting behavior, immediate reaction, deliberative nursing process, and improvement (Alligood, 2006). The theory focuses on the interpersonal process between people and is directed toward facilitating identification of “the nature of the patient’s distress and his need for help” (Orlando, 1987). The theory is based on the metaparadigm concepts person and nursing. Orlando focused on a particular nursing process that leads to improvement in the patient’s behavior (Fawcett, 1993). She stated “what a nurse says or does in the exclusive mode through which she serves the patient” (Orlando, 1987). Orlando’s theory remains one of the most effective practice the...

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