Theodicy Research Paper

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Theodicy is the problem of evil in a world ruled by a sovereign and good God. That is, if an omnipotent God can prevent evil… why does He choose not to prevent evil. Especially since God hates and disapproves sin and corruption. For example, David writes in Psalm 5:4, “For you are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with you.” However, many theologians believe that sin and punishment are willed and determined by God. Our text helped explain a few of these theories, and specifically how Job solves the issue of theodicy (Estes p. 26-27).

First, the book of Job dismisses the idea of karma. That is, that there is a cause-and effect-law which means that obedience to God provides blessings to that person, while sin or …show more content…

However, as described in Job, on occasion unacceptable actions happen to virtuous, or even Christian, people. This can be cause for despair within the congregation of a church. However, even the cynical author of Ecclesiastes explains that the future is bright for those who believe. God’s love and righteousness will win through obedience and believe in the Lord.

Personally, the book of Ecclesiastes resonated with me and was a turning point in my life. It introduced the idea to me that since the beginning of man nothing has changed. Our problems and struggles were the same that Abraham or Moses faced. These simple, yet profound, words of the book spoke directly to my ego and confirmed that my struggles in life were not unique. Ecclesiastes was the book that started my journey with Jesus. Similarly, the testimony of the sufferers that these two books provide is one that has a great impact on the modern day

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