Themes In Charlotte Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Themes found in Of Mice and Men
Marguerite Gardiner once said “Prejudices are the chains forged by ignorance to keep men apart” (Wright). Gardiners quote ties in wonderfully with one of the themes that Steinbeck portrays in his well-known novel “Of Mice and Men.” Steinbeck tells a story of two men who search to live a better more prosperous life, demonstrating the good and the bad that life can bring. The story takes place during the Great Depression era (Attell). During this time it was extremely difficult for individuals to find and have a set place to call home; people were continuously moving from place to place to find work and shelter. He uses many different characters to tell the story and to present major themes that were frequently …show more content…

Curley’s wife, is the only one in the story that is given no actual name, she is just known as “Curley’s wife.” She is the only female on the ranch. The book speaks of how she is fare and beautiful, but is a bit of a tease. Throughout the whole novel she is always looking for Curley, all the men on the ranch view her as Curley’s property. Candy describes her to George and Lennie as a tart (Miller).This term “a tart” is just a way of saying that she is unfaithful to her marriage, and has a sexual way about her. She is always seeking for attention from all the other men. Towards the end of the story she sees Lennie in the barn sitting on the ground leaning over what was his puppy, so she goes in and sits next to him; she leans over and begins telling him about how her life would have been if she wasn’t on the ranch. She spoke highly of herself, telling how she would have been in movies and wore nice clothes (Steinbeck 89). Lennie had been mesmerized by her from the start; she began teasing him by describing how soft her hair was, only because she knew that he loved soft things, she takes Lennie’s hand and says “Here, feel right here.”(Steinbeck 90) At this point Lennie got carried away and wouldn’t let go of her hair, she began to scream telling him to let go. Lennie panics, He tries to tell her not to scream but all she does is gets louder; he had no clue what to do at this point, he ends up holding her down and killing her by snapping her neck. George told Lennie at the very beginning of the story that if anything happens and he gets in trouble to go and hide near the bushes at the pond until he arrives. Lennie in fear runs away from the scene to that exact

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