Theme Of Villainy In Macbeth

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Three witches start the villainy in Macbeth’s heart by addressing him as “thane of Cawdor” and “king hereafter.” (Act I, Scene 3, 50-51) Those few words plant the seeds of debauchery that will take the lives of Duncan the King, Banquo his fellow warrior, and the ultimate demise of his wife Lady Macbeth. The peripety occurs with each of these malicious acts during this tragedy. Macbeth knew that Duncan was a good king and fought the urge to kill him, but surrendered to his wife’s verbal lashing and committed the crime. The killing of Banquo was easier to decide, but thoroughly directed his mind on the downward spiral to a collapse of all reason. His mind hit the floor of despair when his wife commits suicide. Act I basically introduce …show more content…

He used symbolisms throughout the tragedy that added dimension that could carry multiple meanings as either literally or a deeper meaning. “Blood” could mean blood, or could signify murder and or guilt. (Act V, 5.1, 53-55) “Washing her hands,” could mean that Lady Macbeth was trying to wash the guilt away her sins. (Act 5.1, 30-31) Metaphors were used; “Fair is foul, and foul is fair,” meaning just because it was said does not mean that it is true. (Act 1.1, 12) The dictation used throughout Macbeth was able to show what each character thought and brought their mood to the audience. Reading only the script for music and spectacle, most of the nuances were lost. When the witches were involves, a mental musical chant was played and it could be easily visualized. The rest of the script was difficult to notate the music and spectacle aspect of the tragedy. I did however; watch a play of Macbeth while reading the script and the music and spectacle made the play easier to digest. The stage play background was very plain and the music was mostly drums played in the background when the men were on set. The lighting was well done when the witches were involved in the

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