Theme Of Family In Brave New World

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The things we cherish the most will lead us on a path towards the controlling conditions of the World State. According to Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World, science and entertainment contribute to a trivial society while family keeps modern society intact. People in the World State and modern society are both consumed with science and entertainment which deprives them of the ability to complete tasks without the convenience of technology. Family, on the other hand, enriches the individual with compassion and provides support to carry out daily duties. Modern society is transforming into a trivial society similar to the World State, however, family doesn’t contribute to this transformation. Family doesn’t exist in the World State because babies are genetically engineered in test tubes and grow up without …show more content…

When everyone is influenced by different people, they will have different mindsets and personalities, which results in individualism. Mustapha Mond, a World Controller, proclaimed, “The greatest care is taken to prevent you from loving any one too much,” (Huxley 161). The strong emotional tie associated with family disrupts the productivity of an individual which threatens the stability of society. Family issues such as divorce or death negatively impacts the quality of work one produces because instead of focusing on the assignment, the person focuses on their family. On the other hand, modern society views “the family was the most important unit of society…It played an essential role in fulfilling the emotional and physical needs of individuals, which was necessary for the achievement of economic and social development,” (“Governments Reaffirm Critical Importance of Family to Society, as Third Committee Concludes Discussion of Social Development”). Modern society believes that

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