Theme Of Che Ti Dice La Patria By Ernest Hemingway

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Hemingway and Gender Throughout the short stories of “Che Ti Dice La Patria”, “A Very Short Story”, and “Hills like White Elephants”, Ernest Hemingway depicts girls as being naïve. Through each story naivety is shown from the characters because of the lack of knowledge on the subject at hand or lack of reasoning skills to better the situation. Hemingway artfully depicts them as only being able to understand what their child-like minds should be able to. The girls are in adult situations where their minds are tested and fail because of the simple fact that they are naïve. Though it is cliché, it is a theme through the story that young girls are naïve and cannot handle the responsibility of thinking like an adult. Hemingway sets up each story …show more content…

Though the many attempts the girl makes may be sought by others, these men were not having any of it . . . “’Tell her we have to go,’ said Guy. ‘Tell her we are very ill, and have no money’” (Hemingway, The Short Stories 294). Seeing the discomfort that she had caused to this man should have been enough to let her know that he was not interested in her, but she could not see it. She pursues the group and begs them to stay without reasons why they should. This girl begs these men without the understanding that the travelers are here to travel through, not to stay and sleep with girls. The waitress proceeds to tell these travelers that she even loves one of them to hopefully achieve her goal of getting them to stay. After telling him that she loves him and seeing that this did not work, her last ditch effort was telling the translator to “Tell him her is a beautiful boy” (The Short Stories 294). This remark still does not win these men over, and showing her naivety, the girl stares off at the men as they leave, as if she has some kind of a place with them or they had fully known each other. The naïve waitress should have known that they needed to travel by day in order to get where they needed to before night fell because they were traveling by foot and …show more content…

She does not understand how to make him stay but to follow her morals and he asks her to break them because of his inadequacy as a man. Naivety is shown when Jig when she cannot make her own decision but bases it off what the man says so that she can keep him because she is too scared to face the thought of being without him. Jig wants them to be happy with the baby but, the man wants to rid himself of the attachment and responsibility it takes to raise a child. Jig shows how naïve she is when she thinks for a second that they can have everything and be a happy family. Yet, with all this excitement and wonder Jig has, she also has this man that cannot stand the thought of being restricted to something so complex a simple mind cannot

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