Theme Between The Kite Runner And Sweetness In The Belly

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An act of love convinces people to sacrifice their selves in order to attain happiness. It is the most dangerous weapon that exists within humanity since affection shown towards people has the power to transform anyone. In the novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and Sweetness in the Belly by Camilla Gibb, both authors manage to incorporate themes of faith, politics and love. In the novel, The Kite Runner Amir and Baba are the main characters that act irrationally at beginning due to their hidden guilt and convictions, but compensates their past faults by displaying their affection and accomplishing righteous things. Alternatively, the novel Sweetness in the Belly revolves around Lilly, Aziz and the Great Abdal are characters that inspire …show more content…

This event emphasizes her humane characteristic which is someone who easily gets blinded by love. It is evident that the earthly affection transforms her into a vulnerable character. In contrast, she still redeems herself by spreading the teachings of Qu’ran and the Great Abdal to poor neighbourhood children. This is demonstrated when Lilly states “I was teaching her children… the poorer families in the neighbourhoods began bringing their sons and daughters to Nouria’s compound in the mornings to join in what seemed to be emerging as a local school” (Gibb, 111). Lilly’s commitment in her Muslim faith is still evident throughout the story. Although, her devotion to her faith becomes erratic when Aziz comes into her life. She still manages to commit herself and display affection with her religion by embracing Harari customs and culture. Consequently, Lilly is a character that exhibits a realistic portrayal of humanity. Her character is easily vulnerable to earthly affection which results to impact her beliefs. Nevertheless, affection greatly impacts the character’s decision in both novels due to the fact that characters such as Amir and Aziz taking initiative of solving the political matters for themselves and risking their identity to improve the lives of their loved one’s. This is shown when Rahim Khan States “There is a way to be good again, a way to end the cycle. With a little body. An orphan. Hassan’s son. Somewhere in Kabul” (Hosseini, 246). In this statement, Amir struggles with his identity since the fact that Hassan and him were half-brothers is only revealed in his adulthood. However, he still took the initiative and decides to rescue Sohrab in order to compensate for his past sins. Despite the fact that it was portrayed in the novel as an obligatory mission for Amir. This does not change the fact that he

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