Love And Dreams In Zora Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God

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In Zora Hurston, Their eyes were watching God, we see a major theme of love and dreams.
Janie has an image of true love, and she strives to attain it. In the story Janie’s ideal future is often presented as romantic, idealistic and symbolic to her naive childhood.
During the whole story the main Character Janie, has been Investigating love her whole life and she had dreams that she’s always wanted to chase but her grandmother’s teachings set her back. When she finally finds love with a man named tea-cake it changes her life and makes her see life in a new way. That’s why I chose these songs. Because They connect, to love and dream chasing. In my first song, “Dreams” by J.cole, we see the theme of love and finding that perfect girl in the lyrics of the song. In the song …show more content…

The overall proposition of this song is love, yet the band expresses their love by promising to get their love anything they want. This relates to Joey Stark in the book Their Eyes Were Watching God. Joey gives Janie basically anything she wants and tells her that he will show her the world. When Joe first meets Janie he tells her “A pretty doll-baby lak you is made to sit on de front porch and rock and fan yo’self and eat p’taters dat other folks plant just special for you." Joe explains that he will do anything for her because he loves her. He tells her that she is meant to kick her feet up and relax while someone does the work for her. That’s why I chose the song Say you don’t want it because the band is expressing love by giving the girl that they love anything she wants. In the music video of the song the main singer finds this woman and take her around the city. He buys her food new clothes and eventually at the end they realize they love each other. It connects to joe starks in the beginning of the story promising Janie that she can have everything

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