The Role of Control and Automation for Saving Energy

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A major concern about the future is how to use all required energy without damaging the environment. Hence, this essay will show how Control and Automation Engineering can contribute with the world in that subject. Even with a large number of people thinking this engineering only brings bad consequences such as the unemployment of people, who was replaced by robots, and the pollution of the industries, it can provide efficient forms to reduce energy consumption and foment the use of renewable energy. Along the years, the necessity of electrical energy increases dramatically with the use of technologies and machines to help with daily activities, to work or to have fun. In the Industrial Revolution, this process of reducing the workforce to use machines started and problems with environment become a reality. One of them is the most energy resources used in the beginning and now: fossil fuel, which is not renewable. Beside the fact it will disappear, it brings a terrible consequence: pollution. After some decades, people started to worry about these issues, electrical and nuclear energies was developed aiming to solve the problem. If the energy consumption was a steady line probably these three (fossil fuel, electrical and nuclear) energy resources could be enough for supplying population necessities, but it is not true. The projection of the use of energy shows that it would not stop rising and expecting to not attack the planet more than it was done, the use of renewable energies such as solar, hydro, wind and biomass energy is stimulated. Despite all difficulties to think about solutions, Control and Automation Engineering provides efficient forms to reduce energy consumption and can foment the use of renewable energy. It i... ... middle of paper ... ...ed to be and to save the planet. Summarizing, Control and Automation Engineering works with high level technologies to make everything possible. Automatized process reduces the consumption of energy and increases the production, controlling bands of energy allowed, measuring and finding points to be changed and improved. Not only for industries, but also for the population that can utilize all advantages of technology, sensors and devices that do the hard job with conscience in the future. The disadvantage is the price, high-tech devices are usually so expensive, mainly just after they are invented. The option for the population is to hold on and when this knowledge disseminates all prices will decrease. Despite this difficulty, the mess will be ordered because Control and Automation Engineering is achieving their role in the world to save energy for the future.

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