The different ways child soldiers are portrayed in Half of a Yellow Sun and Blood Diamond.

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The 2006 American-German film Blood Diamond and the 2006 Nigerian novel by Adichie Half of a Yellow Sun both have scenes that show the representation of the behaviour of child soldiers. Despite on the surface they share some similarities, the film and the novel approach the inhuman conscription differently. Whereas the scene from the book is showing how the children are kidnapped from the streets to become soldiers in Nigeria, the scene from the movie elaborates on how the children are forced to become soldiers in Sierra Leone. The scene in Nigeria happens in 1960s, whereas the actions in the film Blood Diamond take place thirty years later. The analysis of these two scenes will present the different ways of child soldiers’ portrayal. In Blood Diamond the scene starts with children sitting naked on the floor in the dark, being bitten with bamboo sticks. When adults enter the room they are back lit with bright white light. Usually such light symbolizes a new beginning or the hope for something better. Here there is a contradiction, because adults who enter do not bring anything ben...

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