The Yellow Wallpaper Theme Essay

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“The Yellow Wallpaper” In Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper”, the author develops a theme of slowly transitioning into a state of madness, leading us to believe that the narrator is so far out of touch with reality that she forgets that she is in an insane asylum. In Charlotte Perkins Gilman, background, she has had times when she was depressed leading to her husband suggesting that she sees a doctor “Who told her to limit her intellectual life by two hours a day.” Gilman, uses three clues to lead us to the suggestion that the narrator might be in an insane asylum instead of a colonial mansion by: Giving us details about the house, the room, and also, the characters who are in the story. Which suggests to the readers that …show more content…

Especially, in the room. The room signifies the most important clue. She describes the room as, “It was first a nursery and then playroom and gymnasium. I should judge; for the windows are barred for little children, and there are rings and things in the walls.” (309) This represents that the bars are on the windows is kind of like a jailhouse. So, the criminals won’t be able to escape by breaking the window easily. It also, reveals to the reader that the bars are there for the protection of the patients. As for the rings and things in the walls those could very well be ties to hold down the patient if they begin to get out of control while, the doctors or the nurses are giving them the treatment that they …show more content…

“John is away all day, and even some nights when his cases are serious.” This quote allows the reader to interpret that John is probably not her husband since, it says in the story that he is a Physician, the Narrator tells us that he is away all day and even all night this causes the reader to suggest that he is treating other patients. It is also, known that it’s not best to be a doctor to your family member(s) because it could lead to problems. Lastly, she finally goes completely mad and starts to peel off the wallpaper and wanting to jump out of the window but, it is barred. “Then I peeled off all the paper I could reach standing on the floor. It sticks horribly and the pattern enjoys it!” “I am getting angry enough to do something desperate. To jump out the window would be admirable exercise, but the bars are too strong to even try.” (320). The last quote suggests that she’s thinking about committing suicide because she’s gone crazy with just being in that one room. Sometimes people would commit suicide by jumping from tall

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