Examples Of Dark Romanticism

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The World of the Dark but Brilliant Art of Writing In the early 1700s literature became a way to influence people as social media is to the world now. Literature has evolved through the years as in the mid-1700s through 1800s when literature took on a new movement and changed how stories and poems are written it was the birth of Romanticism for the world. Romanticism shaped many of our modern views and has some of the world’s famous novels and authors such as Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, who has a big influence in America writing. As a result of romanticism being so popular a counterpart known as dark romanticism was created this part dealt with the unknown and fears of men as well; as such stories were often very dark and …show more content…

Goodman Brown’s character changes throughout many of the events that take place in the story and that it is due to the fact that he was dealing with the devil. At the end of the story, Goodman Brown is left with the unsettling fact that he cannot trust people because they are all sinners; this caused his attitude to changed that lead to his miserable ending and what the people’s view of him at the end of his life “they carved no hopeful verse upon his tombstone; for his dying hour was gloom” (628). As for Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow a tale that was driven by the supernatural events of the story’s climax with the encounter of the spirit of the Headless Horseman. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow focused mainly upon on the story of Ichabod Crane a schoolmaster; who one night while riding home encounter the evil spirit of the Headless Horseman. The story leaves the reader with uneasy, a doubtful feeling of what had happen to Ichabod Crane after the thrilling chase with the Headless Horseman and the line that reads “to this day that Ichabod was spirited away by supernatural means”(Irving). …show more content…

In the story of Young Goodman Brown the setting sets the stage for the bizarre and strange events that’s about to take place. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s description of the settings in Young Goodman Brown is “a dreary road, darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest, which barely stood aside to let the narrow path creep through, and closed immediately behind” (620); this prepares the reader for a dark and mysterious story with bad omens and supernatural events. The forest itself is referenced throughout the story having Faith’s ribbon and hosting a weird ritual with spirits. The story goes further on to bring the forest to life with line such as “the echoes of the forest laughing like demons around him” (622) it sets the mood to be frightening and chilling. The story Young Goodman Brown builds off its setting as it’s what creates the story’s chilling atmosphere and hidden messages. For Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow also takes place in a forest this is due to the influence of Washington Irving has on Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow setting is the dark and creepy; Washington Irving description of his forest goes beyond just the looks, but the sounds that comes from the forest that scares the reader the most. Imagery mostly noted within the story and has

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