Compare And Contrast Chinese Medicine And Western Medicine

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The western and eastern hemispheres have very different approaches to health and medicine. In western hemisphere countries, such as the United States, medical practices are very scientific. Medicines and surgeries are common practices for the treatment of various ailments in western medical practices. Countries in the eastern hemisphere, such as China, are much more spiritual and energy based in their medicine. Many of Chinese medical practices have survived from ancient time because of their success. Unlike western medicine, Chinese medicine embodies the eastern hemispheres belief of strong connections between the mind and body. Both approaches to medicine have certain advances and limitations. The two approaches can even be used with one …show more content…

Chi originated in the center of the body, below the naval, and flows through out the body through meridians. Disruption in the flow of chi can cause many ailment. Instead of the numerous drugs prescribed for illnesses in the western hemisphere, a majority of prescription in China a herbal remedies. A class of medicine, known as “soup medicine”, consists of various plants, seeds, insects, and lizards are prescribed as pills would be in western medicine. They are packaged turned into soup in a “boil the medicine room”, which is comparable to a pharmacy in the United States. Up to sixty pots can be found boiling remedies in this room at any given time. The natural herbs in the mixture are selected without any consideration of their chemical …show more content…

The exercises endorsed by physician in china are not typical aerobic workout. The daily exercises practice locating the chi within one’s and learning how to control it. Tai Chi is a commonly practiced form of martial arts throughout China. Every morning, as the sun rises, parks are flooded with people practicing their skills. Motions exercised are not vigorous or rushed; they are slow and often correspond to the nature around the person practicing. The doctors in this type of medical practice are the teachers of the patient. The goal of the doctor is to teach their patient to control their inner chi and to find the imbalance of chi within the body. Mastery of tai chi required a lot of dedication and mental training. True masters are able to project their chi from their body to the outside world. Chi can become a physical presence in the world. Masters are able to ward of attacks by manipulated the chi of their opponent and using nothing more than the touch of a

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