Global Conflict In The 20th Century

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Throughout the 20th Century, the world was engulfed in global conflicts, engaging in one war after the next. When looking at these different conflicts, interconnected themes and issues seemed to lead to the later conflicts. The first of the conflicts to affect the globe was the Great War. Since the Great War, numerous conflicts have followed including World War II, The Cold War, and eventually the War on Terror. These wars share similar goals and themes of gaining power and prestige, seeking revenge, and fighting ideologies. Each of these conflicts results in events that eventually lead to the next conflict, creating near constant warfare around the globe. The effects and fears created by these conflicts can still be seen today as we fight …show more content…

As a result, less prominent nations on the global stage began to seek freedom and their own power. With much animosity between different nations leading to known alliances, war seemed inevitable and the world began to prepare. This ultimately led to the beginning of the Great War or World War I in August 1914 between two groups of alliances. The Triple Entente, also known as the Allies, included the nations of Russia, France, Great Britain and later, the United States and Japan. The Alliances, or Central Powers were formed by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. They were fighting for freedom against the Allies and for prestige on a global level. Each side had colonial possessions that were used to aid the war, impacting the globe. During the war, total decimation was the goal. By using trench warfare and poisonous gas, the world lost incredible amounts of lives. With that, the use of propaganda to bolster nationalism was popular as well. The gruesome war resulted in countless losses from the Treaty of Versailles, favoring Great Britain and France. It also focused on punishing the losers. They taxed the nations greatly and also divided them up into new territories. For nations like Germany, the Treaty allowed for no aid in economic rehabilitation, pushing them into a deep economic depression, and leaving them with sentiments of …show more content…

The Soviet Union wanted to sway Afghanistan and helped install a government that pushed out Islamic Revolution supporters to Pakistan. The United States did not agree with this and therefore entered Pakistan, contacting the radical group. These groups were funded to fight a war against Afghanistan for us. One of these groups was the Taliban. After al-Queda, under Osama bin Laden orchestrated the attack on September 11, 2001, the United States entered a war with Afghanistan and Iraq. The war was fought against us with the weapons funded by our country. These actions during the Cold War morphed the theme of fear from Communism to Terrorism. We can also compare how the fear was handled differently. With Communism, it was easy to identify because it came from specific countries. With the War on Terror, terrorists are unknown individuals, coming from all over the globe. This makes explaining events and different groups difficult for the public because there is no known enemy that we can identify and

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