The Revolutionary War

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The Revolutionary War was a war between Great Britain, and the 13 colonies. The seven years’ war, or French and Indian war left Great Britain in serious debt, in response to this The “British Parliament enacted a series of measures to increase tax revenue from the colonies.” (MacLean). The British parliament created the Stamp act which, “Imposed a tax on all paper used for official documents, and required an affixed stamp as proof that the tax had been paid.” (Roark, Johnson, Cohen, Stage, Hartmann, 161). The colonists began to feel as though they were being taxed unfairly, and without representation. The British parliament continued to tax the colonies, and created the Intolerable Acts which required the colonists to open up their homes to soldiers at any time, got rid of their Charter, and “Stipulated that any royal official accused of a capital crime in the colonies would be tried in a court in Britain.” (Roark, Johnson, Cohen, stage, Hartmann, 163). The colonists were fed up with the British Parliament, and how they were violating their rights. So they created the Continental Congress, in which delegates from the 13 colonies came together, and made the decision to fight for their independence from Great Britain.
Although, seldom talked about, nor given enough credit Women did in fact play a significant role in the Revolutionary war effort. From secretly serving in the army, to acting as secret spies, and running household farms. Women exulted female patriotism, showed they were more then capable of undertaking “Male” responsibilities, and for the first time “Women’s domestic obligations were infused with political meaning” (Roark, Johnson, Cohen, Stage, Hartmann, 244). Women’s selfless contributions to the Revolutionary War ...

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...d his wife’s request, the letter “Forced him to ponder the exclusion, and think about the idea of political independence for women.” (Roark, Johnson, Cohen, Stage, Hartmann, 179).
American women were fueled by patriotism, even in a society that permitted women from fighting in the war, they found a way to do it anyway. Women were not given a political voice in society, yet without hesitation they took on male roles by managing their husband’s farms, businesses, and plantations, and refusing to buy British goods even if they were more convenient. Patriot Women went door to door collecting money for their soldiers, and took on Nursing jobs that exposed them to deadly diseases. No matter how they contributed these heroic, bold, and courageous women “Stepped out of the comfort of their traditional roles in society, and risked their lives to serve their country. (Brooks).

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