The Varying Types and Uses of Drones

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“A drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) is an aircraft without a human pilot.” They aid in not putting soldiers lives at risk from potential enemy. These aircraft’s can be small enough to fit into your pocket and large as a three story apartment building. Performance depends on mission the power, engine type, speed, endurance, weight, and altitude. Technology is advancing drones have capabilities of having a camera for surveillance, missiles to shoot a target, GPS satellite for coordination, and ability to stay in the air for hours at a time with minimum use of fuel. Are drones effective as we would like to think? Is more harm being done than good? Verification of an attack such as civilian population, collateral damage, and identifying was the target actually destroyed, these things are hard to evaluate. The incredible beast who's commonly known as drone became successful because of, “Abraham Karem.” His motto is, “if you design the best you can then you are going to get performance by design”. In 1980-1983 the first prototype “Altruist” was built. The engine/ propeller were placed in the rear, so they wouldn't interfere with the sensors in front, the inverted tail is still visible. Altruist was built from scratch in his garage. A go-cart engine was modified to burn one tenth a gallon of fuel in one hour. Altruist soon evolved to Amber a fifth-teen foot long, twenty-eight foot span UAV with thirty-eight hour endurance. Karem had a team of three people and their design later became known as the predator. He was awarded by congress access to Airspace system for his design of the drone. Which is now a prize possession to the military, the technology involved is absolutely genius. (GA-ASI) general atomic aeronautical syste... ... middle of paper ... ... are gyroscopes they play the same role as semi-secular canals in the human body which tells us orientation. Another chip on the robot is accelerometer allow the aircraft to accelerate in the lateral direction which is the same as organs in a human head that allow acceleration. When a human pilot feels a sudden change in acceleration he knows to adjust the aircraft. The sensors adjust the craft by changing the velocity of the rotor and allow the drones to follow the leader with precision. Antonymous drones that can go anywhere on it's own without external sensors, and GPS. Border patrol use drones to search for illegal migrants, police department use them for reconnaissance. Technology is moving forward we will see more drones being used for a variety of things. The predator and other drones that are being used today is nothing compared to what is going to come.

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