The Value of Environmental Agencies

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The Value of Environmental Agencies In current times man has become so consumed with weapons and money that the planet has been neglected. With something so typical and now common as chopping down the rainforest to produce trees for mass abundance of political paper and land to graze more cattle this thoughtless destruction, disturbs all aspects of the environment. This is business as usual. The lands being destroyed are the most unique and diverse lands in the world. Chris Park Senior lecturer in the Department of Geographer at Lancaster University states, "The available statistics are impressive and... the rainforest's claim to fame as the richest ecological zone on earth"(26). In order to efficiently restore and protect the damaged land, animals, and people environmental agencies' must be valued. By destroying the forest, we are creating an open-door policy for disease. For example, the S.Amerindians have long adopted to endemic disease and have prevented them, in large part, by their adaptation to conditions of life over the 20,000 years they h have inhabited the tropical forest. With the lumber companies invading these towns and villages, their western germs are exposing isolated, once-contained people. Kathlyn Gay, author of Rainforests of the World, mentions, "Indigenous people in many countries have died because of contact with outsiders-usually whites of northern European extraction- who have brought contagious diseases, ranging from measles to influenza, and sexually transmitted disease"(20). With the importance of the land resources comes the ever significance of the atmosphere. The atmosphere's most predictive component is t... ... middle of paper ... ...inging in their direction"(Park 105). The modern world is so crazy to think the forest people can make such a drastic change. The forest people loss their culture because they can not bring their forests resources into the modern world. Displacement happens from taking away of land which the forest people use to support themselves. It is almost impossible to think that they can change their lifestyle and experiences and start all over. Families in the United States have a difficult time moving from state to state in most cases. Everything in the jungle was fine until money-hungry man wanted to make even more money and ruin everyone's lives. Everyone should just leave the jungle alone to live in peace and harmony. If all the people of the world work together then maybe we can help save the land, animals, and people.

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