The Utopian Society In Lois Lowry's The Giver

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The attractiveness of a utopia, a perfect society, can cause many communities to attempt to create the impossible fantasy. Although, the idea of a utopia sounds welcoming, there are many consequences that outweigh the benefits. Intelligence, freedom and human experiences, all part of the alluring thrill of being human, will vanish with the flatness of a utopian society. A utopian-modeled society would result in the destruction of humanity. A utopia will cause a society to turn flat and boring, just like Lois Lowry’s society in The Giver.
Love is one of the most powerful emotions; and with it can come great happiness as well as great sadness. But in Lois Lowry’s book The Giver she tells of a society that lives with no love or any emotions. Every morning the citizens give up all emotions by taking daily injections and they turn to sameness in order to try to eliminate all …show more content…

Humans learn how to change and grow through past experiences. At a young age most people have experienced a bee sting. They experience the pain and remember it in the future. This event has changed how one might live out their everyday life. They now try to avoid bees. This concept also applies to how society changes and learns to better our future. A utopian society takes the ability to experience things away from its citizens. They isolate the community from the experiences of the surrounding world, restricting them from learning anything new that could help make their society flourish. The state might argue that they do it for their own good and that they are protecting them from the hardships of the world. But for humanity to advance they must learn from those hardships and mistakes. George Santayana, a late nineteenth century philosopher, once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Without the memories of humanities past, good and bad, there is no possibility for humanity to expand and

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