The Use of M.H.T.G.R. to Help the Environment

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The Use of M.H.T.G.R. to Help the Environment Our planet is home to over five billion people, all consuming natural resource, and most producing finished goods. From bicycles to automobiles and houses to skyscrapers, this constant production takes an immense amount of energy. Not only human energy, but electricity too. It is need to power the assembly lines that make bicycles and automobiles. It's essential to run your home appliances, and business computers, and its all produced using similar methods. You heat water to produce steam, which turns a turbine, and generates electricity. Its not quite that simple, but for the purpose of this paper it will suffice. By far the most widespread source of fuel are fossil fuels. They are still abundant, and are relatively easy to obtain. However there is one main problem with the burning of fossil fuels. It produces pollution, in the form of dirty air, polluted water, and greenhouse gasses. This pollution is one of the main causes of global warming, the impact of which has the potential to destroy the planet. It is unreasonable to ask humanity to give up electricity, but the two main problems still exist. Pollution, and an eventual exhaustion of fossil fuels. Therefore an alternative form of energy must be found. Several ideas exist. There is hydroelectric power, solar power, wind power, and nuclear energy. Many people support the idea of alternative energy, yet there is no move to implement it as a viable alternative to fossil fuels. It is the burning process that makes fossil fuels so bad for the environment. An alternative source that does not require combustion is necessary to avert the process of global warming. Wind power and hydroelectric power both turn t... ... middle of paper ... ...nuclear energy being a solution to the energy crisis is a distinct possibility. MIT Nuclear Engineer Lawrence Lidsky states that "What is needed is a nuclear reactor that Dan Rather can shoot with a bazooka on-camera, and it shuts down without releasing radioactivity. That is what the M.H.T.G.R. is." A presentation by Osman Chughtai and David Shannon states that "The worst case scenario, where the third world nations aspire to US consumption rates, means there are only 17 years left. Although this is a worst case, most best case scenarios offer a resource exhaustion time scale which is at most 3-4 times this value which is 50-70 years." ( With this pressing crisis, and the pollution produced by fossil fuels, alternative energy is a must, and the need for alternative energy can best be answered by the M.H.T.G.R.

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