The Use of Antibiotics and Hormones in Animal Feed

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The Use of Antibiotics and Hormones in Animal Feed

Antibiotics are chemicals produced by living organisms that are used

to kill or inhibit the growth of other infectious micro-organisms.

Most antibiotics prevent the growth of microorganisms, which they act

on instead of completely killing them. Antibiotics are extra cellular

products meaning that they can be extracted for use; Penicillin is an

example of this as it comes from the fungus Penicillium notatum1.

Hormones are chemicals that transfer information and instructions

between cells in animals and plants. They regulate growth and

development, controlling the function of various tissues. Like

antibiotics, hormones can be produced and placed in animal feed, for

example Bovine Somatotropin, which is given to cows to increases milk


The use of hormones and antibiotics in animal feed has been a

controversial topic for many years. There are obvious advantages and

disadvantages with the use of such products. Farmers see hormones and

antibiotics as a major advantage as the increase their profits and

gain the maximum out of their livestock. However, health concerned

organizations want to ban the use of these products due to the

increasing fears that they can cause harm to the consumers.

For over 50 years, antibiotics have been added to the food of animals

such as poultry, cattle and pigs. The main purpose for doing so is to

lower the risk of disease in animals. Farm animals are housed together

in overcrowded areas, which are very dirty. The hygiene level can get

to such a poor state that they are often in contact with their own

excreta as well as excreta of the other animals they are housed with

and because of tight single air space they share, the likelihood of

catching diseases from one another is further increased and very often

a whole heard can be infected at one time. If these problems could be

eradicated it could save a lot of time and money for the farmers. The

use of antibiotics and hormones before the livestock actually catches

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