The Use Of Ostracism In Lowell's Antiquity

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In Antiquity, the Athenians used to have a procedure called ostracism, whose main role was to separate the social fit persons from the unwanted, insubordinate to the norms ones. Therefore, the citizens could write a person’s name on an ostraka, a piece of broken pottery, and put it in a public container. When an individual got a certain amount of mentions, he would be ostracized and forbidden from the city for ten years, enough time for the disobedient one to get better and re-enter the society at the right moment when he changed his practices. The mid-century, Lowell’s tranquilized fifities, was for the American culture and society a nest of paranoia because of the postwar uneasiness; more than that, the Cold War was still strongly implemented …show more content…

He is a spectator and, little by little, becomes a representative who seems to understand the drama of the “spared” outcasts. What is the drama? The invisibility itself. The shopgirls, the homosexuals, the crippled, the alone become nothing more but simple moving figures which not even a statue considers they are to be looked at: looks cynical above them all. They go beyond the threshold of perfection (even normality) because the society demands something else from their matrix; it seems as Berryman’s poetry confronts the image of America in one single stanza and even though it may seem that the confessional poetry is stressed only upon the self, in The Statue the ego exceeds these barriers and opens a window to let everyone see that otherness might seem to be the biggest issue of the American society; represented by what is hated in others is what is rejected within the self, the modern society can not recognize or accept it, but it must deal with it somehow and there are two options: either being virulently annihilating …show more content…

Rhetoric is, simply said, the art of discourse, the speaker being able to persuade, inform or motivate specific audiences in public situations. A speaker’s ideas can blend under multiple schemes regarding his speech and Aristotle sets up three persuasive audience appeals: logos, ethos and pathos. What the alterg-ego of Berryman chooses for The Statue is the last element of the triad, going forward to argumentum ad passiones or the appeal to emotion, which is rather a logical fallacy than a structured discourse. It seems like the blame is taken from the individual and placed on the society, which extends its web to the point of destroying the living of its

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