What Is The Relationship Between Machine Mediated Communication And Communication Apprehension?

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In today’s hyper-connected world, individuals increasingly rely on constantly evolving technology to maintain social relationships, both synchronously and asynchronously, regardless of physical proximity. The purpose of this paper is to better understand the correlation between the use of machine mediated communication (MMC) and communication apprehension (CA) in face-to-face communication. Specifically, the research will focus on the questions of whether the use of machine mediated communication, increases individual communication apprehension preceding and during in-person conversations and is there is a corresponding predisposition to avoid or minimize “the exchange of social messages and subsequent relational growth” (Griffin, 2012, p. …show more content…

Based on what is now considered outdated technology, the social information processing theory (SIP), developed by Joseph Walther (Griffin, 2012) in the early 1990’s derived from relevance from the asynchronous nature of computer mediated communication at the time. As technology has evolved, computers are no longer the only device available for mediated communication. Smartphones, tablets and high-speed cellular technology have expanded the consumer’s options and in order to adapt to these changes. In 2006 the term machine mediated communication (MMC) became the preferred term describing the changes in the technology of machine support from “the pure signaling domain to the cognitive domain” (Elsayed, 2006, p. 1) and is much more appropriate and descriptive of how people use existing technology to …show more content…

Of these truths, verbal communication is central to this study:
Axiom 1, Verbal Communication: Given the high level of uncertainty present at the onset of the entry phase, as the amount of verbal communication [emphasis added] between strangers increases, the level of uncertainty for each interfactant in the relationship will decrease. As uncertainty is further reduced, the amount of verbal communication will increase. (p. 127)
Again we see that the key factor in the development of interpersonal relationships is in-person verbal

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