Music Written in the Last 40 Years

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Meyer's quote introduces two opposing methods of defining history; 'dialectic succession' and 'an objective ordering of recorded evidence'. Firstly, Meyer's quote is dissected, and the features which separate the two methods are discussed. The instrumental song 'Apache' and its numerous interpretations and adaptations are presented. By highlighting the issues of defining its history, and including relevant quotes, the two methods and their features are criticised. Finally, the incorporation of past sources in current works is explored. Understanding the two methods The first method is 'a dialectic succession of necessary stages' resulting in truth which is 'single and ultimate' [Meyer 1967, 190]. Dialectic reasoning is a dialogue between two people differing views, but both seek the truth through reasoning. In relation to history, this is the analysis of differing sources for bias' and falsities, to decide which is true. The 'succession of necessary stages' supports the idea of a linear history, where a sequence of events lead to an event [Meyer 1967, 190]. Through the reasoning between sources only one is chosen, and there is therefore only one version. This leads to a history which is 'ultimate'. The second is 'an objective ordering of recorded evidence' leading to a 'provisional and pluralistic' truth. Pluralism is the believe that there is not one correct interpretation but any number of possible interpretations [Goss 2010]. This pluralistic view is supported by Rochberg who talks about 'uncovering hidden connections and working them structurally … to gain not a permanent certainty (which is not possible anyhow) but a momentary insight' [Rochberg 1984, 241]. In relation to the organisation of history, th... ... middle of paper ... ...” of Hip-Hop',, 18/01/11. Goss, Steve, 2010: Pluralism, 5, Stylistic pluralism and postmodernism in music. Matos, Michaelangelo, 2005: 'All Roads Lead to “Apache”', EMP Pop Conference 2005. McLuhan, Marshall, 1964: Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (York: McGraw-Hill). Meyer, Leonard, 1994: Music, the arts, and ideas: patterns and predictions in twentieth-century culture (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). This is a re-print of the 1967 version. In order to place this concept in time it is referenced [Meyer 1967]. Potter, Russell, 1995: Spectacular vernaculars: hip-hop and the politics of postmodernism (New York : State University of New York Press Rochberg, George, 1984: 'No Center', in William Bolcom, Aesthetics of Survival (Michigan: University of Michigan Press)

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