The Union of Science and Religion through Isaac Newton

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On Christmas day in 1642, a feeble premature baby boy was born. The boy, Isaac Newton, proved to be a survivor and grew into a religiously and intellectually strong man. Intrigued by the universe that God created, Newton's faith inspired him to make many of the greatest scientific discoveries in the history of man. Newton discovered gravity, explained the motion of planets, and knew how to turn white light into a rainbow. He wrote one of the greatest scientific works of all time: The Principia. Newton believed that religion and science went hand in hand and did his scientific work to bring light to the creation of God. He wanted to leave a lasting impression of the glory of God in people's lives by uncovering the mysteries of God's works. Indeed Newton did unveil mysteries. He established order where magic and myths had previously been. Undoubtedly, he left a lasting impression on the world. In his effort to prove the congruence of science and religion, Newton created an unending era of scientific thought that did not complement religion, but instead began to smother it. As science began providing intellectual answers to mysteries of the world, it became unnecessary for people to rely on faith for answers. Indeed Newton's theories left a permanent mark on humanity. The paradoxical way in which his intentions to glorify God weakened religion on a worldwide scale would have mortified him.1

Although history most reveres Newton as a scientific genius, his theological knowledge was also outstanding. John Locke wrote, "Mr. Newton is a very valuable man, not only for his wonderful skill in mathematics, but in divinity too, and his great knowledge of the Scriptures, wherein I know few equals . . .."2 Newton s...

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...Fauvel, John, et al. Oxford: Oxford UP. 1988. 241-248.

- Brooke, John. "The God of Isaac Newton." Let Newton Be. Eds. Fauvel, John, et al.

Oxford UP. 1988. 169-183.

- Davies, Paul. God and the New Physics. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1983.

- Davies, Paul. The Mind of God. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1992.

- Gould, Stephen Jay. Rocks of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life. New

York: The Ballantine Publishing Group. 1999.

- Lightman, Alan. Dance For Two. New York: Pantheon Books. 1996.

- Manuel, Frank E. The Religion of Isaac Newton. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1974.

- Newton, Isaac. The Principia. New York: Prometheus Books. 1995.

- White, Michael. Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer. Reading: Perseus Books. 1997.

- Wilson, Edward O. Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge. New York: Vintage Books. 1998.

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